CarmichaelUK has a long-standing history of working in partnership with Young Carers Bucks. The company recently introduced their client EKFB to the Young Carers organisation. This three-way partnership was put in place so that EKFB, CarmichaelUK, and Young Carers Bucks could together explore the possibility of providing work experience to some of the young carers in the local area.
Between the two companies, a number of work experience opportunities were arranged for some of the young carers who were about to take their final GCSE exams. The calibre of the candidates was outstanding. Absolutely. Exemplary. It is clear that the young carers, through their caring role, have acquired many of the life skills that are perfectly aligned with the needs of a modern employer.
Wycombe High School would like to thank you for offering one of our students a work experience placement with you, many found it difficult to find in-person experiences particularly in light of the recent pandemic. Thank you so much.
- Wycombe High School, High Wycombe
I wanted to thank you all one more time for providing me with work experience last week. I could not be happier with how things went. You guys made me feel so comfortable even though I knew absolutely nothing prior to my visit. From helping me find my way around, to allowing me to actually complete something in the cash sheet, to giving me advice, and setting everything up for me. Each of you supported me so well and I cannot say enough how thankful I am.
- Member of Young Carers Bucks
CarmichaelUK have been long-standing supporters of Carers Bucks and over the years have shown themselves to be sincerely committed to helping us in our goal of ensuring that our young adult carers enjoy the same opportunities, as any other young person without a caring role. Carers Bucks is hugely grateful to CarmichaelUK for their dedicated and genuine support for Carers Bucks and for the wonderful creative opportunities that they continue to offer to our young carers.
- Young Adult Carer Support Worker
Celebrate is the name that we choose 7 years ago to cement our company wide commitment to offering equal opportunities to all sections of our community no matter what their background.
We have been working with Bucks Young Carers through our celebrate pledge and we are always amazed at the innovation and creativity shown by the individuals that we meet. Many of the young carers have skills and aptitudes that can’t be gained at school. They have a balanced attitude towards their obligations and show responsibility beyond their years. I feel that we are honoured to work with this organisation, and we look forward to continuing to develop our relationship further.
We would also like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to EKFB for helping us with our endeavours to support the young carers. They were instrumental in this three-way partnership and we are looking forward to working together again to achieve more positive outcomes for other young carers who wish to gain experience in the workplace.
- Rod Carmichael - CarmichaelUK